Sertai Komuniti Bakat Kami

Anda akan mendapat berita eksklusif tentang pelbagai projek hebat yang sedang kami usahakan, nasihat kerjaya, kisah kejayaan pekerja kami dan peluang pekerjaan baharu yang mungkin anda minati. 

Mulakan perjalanan kerjaya anda bersama kami

About DKSH

Tujuan DKSH adalah untuk memperkayakan kehidupan orang ramai. Selama hampir 160 tahun, kami telah memasarkan, menjual dan mengedarkan produk dan jenama berkualiti tinggi untuk syarikat multinasional dan Fortune 500. Melalui Barangan Pengguna Unit Perniagaan kami, Penjagaan Kesihatan, Bahan Prestasi dan Teknologi, kami menyampaikan pertumbuhan yang mampan untuk rakan kongsi kami. Kami menyumbang untuk meningkatkan kualiti hidup untuk pekerja kami dan orang ramai dalam komuniti tempatan tempat kami beroperasi. Beribu pejabat di Switzerland, DKSH disenaraikan secara terbuka dan beroperasi di 36 pasaran di seluruh Asia Pasifik, Eropah dan Amerika Utara. Kami menggaji lebih 29,000 pakar dan menghasilkan jualan bersih sebanyak CHF 11.1 bilion pada 2023.

DKSH ialah majikan peluang sama rata. Semua pemohon akan dipertimbangkan untuk bekerja tanpa mengambil kira bangsa, warna kulit, agama, jantina, orientasi seksual, identiti jantina, asal negara, veteran atau status hilang upaya. Semua pemohon telah memilih pekerjaan mereka dengan bebas. Semua pemohon tidak perlu menyerahkan kertas pengenalan asal mereka untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan, melainkan diperlukan di bawah undang-undang tempatan dan/atau untuk disimpan untuk mengelakkan kehilangan atau kecurian. Jika kertas pengenalan diri asal diserahkan, pemohon hendaklah memberikan kebenaran bertulis kepada DKSH untuk mengekalkan kertas pengenalan mereka dan hendaklah mempunyai akses kepada kertas pengenalan mereka serta-merta atas permintaan. Semua pemohon tidak perlu membayar deposit, atau yang serupa, untuk mendapatkan kerja atau penginapan yang disediakan oleh DKSH atau pembekalnya, atau untuk mendapatkan alatan, latihan atau peralatan yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan kerja mereka.


DKSH’s purpose is to enrich people’s lives. For nearly 160 years, we have been marketing, selling, and distributing high-quality products and brands for multinational and Fortune 500 companies. Through our Business Units Consumer Goods, Healthcare, Performance Materials, and Technology, we deliver sustainable growth for our partners. We contribute to improving the quality of life for our employees and people in the local communities in which we operate. Headquartered in Switzerland, DKSH is publicly listed and operates in 36 markets across Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America. We employ over 29,000 specialists and produced net sales of CHF 11.1 billion in 2023.

DKSH is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran, or disability status. All applicants have chosen their employment freely. All applicants are not required to hand over their original identity papers to secure employment, unless required under local law and/or for safekeeping to avoid loss or theft. If original identity papers are handed over, applicants shall provide written consent for DKSH to retain their identity papers and shall have access to their identity papers immediately upon request. All applicants do not have to pay deposits, or similar, to secure work or accommodation provided by DKSH or its suppliers, or to obtain tools, training, or equipment necessary to carry out their work. 

Start your career journey with us

DKSH is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran, or disability status. All applicants have chosen their employment freely. All applicants are not required to hand over their original identity papers to secure employment, unless required under local law and/or for safekeeping to avoid loss or theft. If original identity papers are handed over, applicants shall provide written consent for DKSH to retain their identity papers and shall have access to their identity papers immediately upon request. All applicants do not have to pay deposits, or similar, to secure work or accommodation provided by DKSH or its suppliers, or to obtain tools, training, or equipment necessary to carry out their work. 

Delivering Growth – in Asia and Beyond

Recruitment Disclaimer

It has come to our attention that some fraudulent and fictitious job opportunities related to DKSH are being circulated online. This includes examples such as prospective candidates being:

  • Attracted by fake job postings available on the internet and social media platforms (i.e. on search engines results, scam sites, job webpages, etc)
  • Contacted by individuals, mainly through telephone calls, emails, and correspondences, claiming they are DKSH employees, affiliates representatives, agents or under contract with the DKSH Group, and, thus, pretending to represent DKSH

Under this false pretence, the impostors might try to gain access to your personal or privileged information or to acquire money or other valuables or to induce people to pay a fee for services related to recruitment, home office supplies, or training or a new role from you by offering fictitious employment opportunities or by claiming that they are contacting you on our behalf. Please be aware that DKSH, and our official professional recruiting agencies and platforms, do not:

  • Send job offers from free email services like Gmail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail, etc.
  • Request money, fees or payment of any kind from prospective candidates for employment, or to apply to our company, or for the recruitment process (e.g. for home office supplies, or training, etc.)
  • Request or require personal documents like bank account details, tax forms or credit card information as part of the recruitment process, before the candidate signs an engagement letter or an employment contract with DKSH

You may see all job vacancies on our official DKSH channels:

  • Official DKSH website, Careers page: (
  • Official LinkedIn Jobs page (

The DKSH Group is not affiliated in any way to these impostors and we hereby confirm that such individuals/entities are not authorized, encouraged or sponsored to act on behalf of DKSH. Hence, such job opportunities are completely fake and not valid.

Therefore, please disregard any written or oral request for a job offer or an interview that you believe is or might be fraudulent or suspicious and immediately get in touch with us via email at Online Communications upon receiving a suspicious offer or claim.

Criminal and/or civil liabilities may arise from such actions, and DKSH expressly reserves the right to take legal action, including criminal action, against such individuals/entities whenever such phenomena occur. In any case, please note that under no circumstances shall the DKSH Group and any of its affiliates be held liable or responsible for any claims, losses, damages, expenses or other inconvenience resulting from or in any way connected to the actions of these impostors.